Thursday, November 17, 2011


Description of Instrument Proper Stamp Duty
1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of a debt exceeding twenty
rupees in amount or value, written or signed by or on
behalf of a debtor in order to supply evidence of such
debt in any book (other than a banker’s Pass Book)
or on a separate piece of paper when such book or
paper is left in the creditors possession.
PROVIDED that such acknowledgement does not
contain any promise to pay the debt or any
stipulation to pay interest or to deliver any goods or
other property
One rupee
2. ADMINISTRATION BOND including a bond given
u/s 6 of the Govt. Saving Bank Act, 1873, or sections
291, 375 and 376 of the Indian Succession Act, 1925.
(a) Where the amount does not exceed Rs.1000.
(b) In any other case:
The same duty as Bond No.15
for such amount.
One hundred rupees
3. ADOPTION DEED that is to say, any instrument (other
than a Will), recording an adoption, or conferring or
purporting to confer an authority to adopt.
ADVOCATE – See Entry as an Advocate (No. 39)
Fifty rupees


GPRS/MMS/Wap settings


1. Setting APN : First we have to set one APN each for Internet and MMS respectively.
(Access Point Name) - for Internet set ( www.e.po) and for MMS set (mms.e.po)

2. Setting WAP Profiles : Now we need a WAP PROFILEwith WAP GATEWAY (

3. Creating Bookmarks : Now we need some BOOKMARKS of WAP SITES for Internet Surfing.

4. Settings for MMS : Different Handsets have their respective MMS Settings where we
require MESSAGE SERVER / HOMEPAGE and this is set as follows :


I, ......................................... s/0 ..........................R/o ............................... aged 36 year Adult do hereby declare-

That I am Karta of ............HUF That I received on behalf of the H U F gift of Rs. 10,000/- ten thousand by way of CASH from my Father Sh. Yogender Pal Gupta on dt. 01-01-2000 this formed the corpus of the HUF.

That the HUF at present is consisting of the followings members-

I) Shri ...........................................

II) Smt. ...........................................

III) Sh. . ...........................................

III) Kumari . ...........................................

That the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge & belief. Declare this on _________________

WITNESS: Signature

1. _______________________________________

2. _______________________________________


DECLARATION OF GIFT MADE BY ________________________


I, _____________________________, residing at _______________________

____________________________________________________________, do hereby

declare and affirm as under:

1. That out of natural love and affection borne by me towards the Hindu Undivided

Family of ______________________________, I have made a gift of Rs.______

(Rupees _________________ only) as per the following details:

By Cheque No.________, dated __________, drawn on Bank ____________________,

________________ Branch, in favour of ________________________ HUF.

2. The above Gift has been duly accepted by ________________________, as Karta of

his Hindu Undivided Family and has been duly acknowledged hereunder.

3. This Declaration of Gift is made to record the fact that I have made this Gift in favour

of the Donee as above, who now has the absolute right, title and interest in the gifted


Date: ___________, 200__ ___________________

(Signature of the Donor)


I, ________________________, hereby acknowledge having received the above gift

made to my Hindu Undivided Family by _________________________.Date: ___________, 200__ ___________________

(Signature of the Donee as Karta of his HUF)



This deed of gift is made and executed at Delhi on this 30th day of November, 2007 by

and between:

1. -------------------- W/o/S/O ------------------------- aged about ------- years resident

of .....................( hereinafter reffered to as the DONOR and the party on the FIRST


and :

2. -------------------------- HUF, ADDRESS............. comprising the family

members ....................(Karta), his wife ------------------------, his

son .....................AND...................RESIDENT..............(Hereinafter reffered to as the

DONEE and the party on the SECOND PART)

WHEREAS the Donor is the father of karta of the Donee and is highly

affectionate to him;

AND WHEREAS the Donor out of natural love and affection towards the Donee

have made a gift of Rs.........................../-- (in words...............) by way of account

payees Cheque no ................dated ............. drawn on .........................Bank

Ltd, ........................... ;

AND WHEREAS the Donee has accepted the said Cheque;

AND WHEREAS the Donor and Donee desires to deduce the covenants of this gift into

writing ;


1. That the gift so made is without any material consideration and is absolute.

2. That the donee has accepted the same by his free will.

3. That the gift is irrevocable in any circumstances.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the donor and the within mentioned donee put their respective

hands in taken of their having accepted the terms and conditions on the day, month and

year first mentioned.

Witnesses Signature







This deed of partition is made on the ___________ day of ___________ the month

of ___________ of the year 200__. Between ___________ s/o ___________ resident

of ___________ (hereinafter called the first party) of the first part ___________

___________s/o resident of ___________ (hereinafter called the second party) of the

second part ___________ s/o ___________ resident of ___________ (hereinafter called

the third party) of the third part: and ___________ widow of ___________ resident of

(hereinafter called for fourth party) of the fourth part.

Where as the further of the second and third parties and husband of the fourth party,

namely late Shri ___________ and the first party were brothers, being the sons of late

Shri ___________.

And whereas they all constituted a Hindu joint family governed by the ___________ of

Hindu law.

And whereas the said Shri ___________ died of the year ___________ leaving him

surviving the parties and entitled to claim partition of the joint family estate.

And whereas the family has continued to remain joint and to hold and enjoy all the

properties jointly.

And whereas the parties hereto are all the members of the joint family entitled to claim

partition and also competent to contract, the other coparceners being the minor sons of

the second and third parties.

And whereas the parties hereto have mutually agreed to divided the entire joint family

properties into two equal parts and to allot one part to the first party and the other to the

second, third and fourth parties.

And whereas the second, third and fourth parties have also mutually agreed among

themselves to further divided and one-half part of the joint property allotted to them into

three equal parts and to allot a part each of the said three parts to each one of them.


(1) That the parties hereto do hereby mutually agreed and declare that they have actually

divided the hitherto joint property of the Hindu joint family of the descredants of Late

Shri ___________(here give the name of the father of the first party) among themselves

into the four Parts specified herein below, as Part I, Part II, Part III and Part IV, and

that henceforth the first party shall be the separate owner of the properties specified

and included in Part I and second party shall be the separate owner of the properties

specified and included in Part II and the third party shall be the separate owner of the

properties specified and included in Part IV and each of them shall hence forth hold and

enjoy the properties specified and included in his Part in severalty and to the exclusion

of the parties other than himself; and the parties hereto do hereby mutually release

and relinquish to the other all their respective right, title and interest in the properties

specified in the Part other than the Part allotted to himself.

(2) That the parties hereto do hereby mutually covenant with each other that:

(I) The property specified and included in the Parts allotted to each party shall be entered

upon and henceforth held and possessed in severalty by each one of them, respectively,

without any interruption or disturbance by any party other than himself.

(ii) The parties will, at the cost of one requiring the same, do every such act or thing as

may reasonably be required for further or more perfectly assuring the property hereby

allowed to each one of them.

(iii) That the parties hereto hereby declare that despite some disparity in the value given

which hare against each of the Part II, III and IV given for purposes of payment of stamp

on the said Parts, II, III and IV and the value given against Part I which is also given for

the purpose of payment stamp duty and registration charges, the partition hereby made is

fair and equitable and that while of the one hand the agreed real value of each of Parts II,

III and IV is equal on the other hand, the total of the agreed real value of Parts II, III and

IV is equal to the agreed real value of Part I.

(iv) That the expression first party, second party, third party and fourth party, shall,

unless there by anything contrary thereto in the context, mean and include, their

respective heirs, survivors, successors, representatives and assigns.

Part I

Part II

Part III

In witness whereas the parties hereto have executed this deed on the date first

hereinabove mentioned.



(First Party)


(Second Party)

(Third Party)

A member of the HUF throwing his money into the common pool, or to use that overused cliché' the family hotchpot, is out of the question, thanks to Section 64(2) which would tax the income earned by the HUF on that money in the individual member's hands only.

But the clubbing provisions can be bypassed if the HUF invests the money in instruments yielding tax-free income. The tax-free income can then be reinvested to earn even taxable income--income on income is out of the clubbing provisions.

Strangers can make gifts but only up to Rs 50000 (Section 56).

A way-out is to receive gifts from members of bigger HUFs, who though your relatives, aren't members of your smaller HUF.

A father may make a gift of money to his son's newly-created HUF, clearly specifying in the Gift Deed that the gift is to his son's smaller HUF and not to the son himself. This will keep both Section 64(2)and Section 56(2) at bay.

After the HUF has a nucleus of its own and gets going, care has to be taken to keep the HUF's affairs completely distinct from the individual members' affairs. Where the members of the HUF carry on their individual businesses, as they normally do, the distinction between what constitutes the individual's income and what is HUF's income may get blurred.

Some other people, who aren't members of the HUF but are relatives in terms of Section 56(2) can also be found out.

Now every body comfortable with the question because creating a capital by transfer ,gift and all like stuff as hinted by Sanjeev we all know to some extent .

so to have capital in huf account we should take following steps

we should have opened a bank account first (not must) but it is advisable so that we can have transaction by cheques .

Apply for permanent account number (pan)

Formation of capital of huf,Transfer money by gifts etc to HUF capital keeping in view the clubbing provisions and tax on gifts under Income tax act,Remember there is no Tax on gifts in kind though they may attract clubbing provisions in some cases.

Regarding Huf an Interesting and detailed reply has been given by our group star contributor CA Sanjeev Bedi we are giving abstract of the answer.

The Hindu Undivided Family has its roots in the ancient Hindu law like the Manu Smriti, compiled by a male chauvinist Hindu "Scholar"called Manu, who lived around 200 BC; the Yajnavalikya Smriti compiled by Yajnavalikya and Narada in 100 and 200AD (it merely embellished what had already been laid down by Manu); and Mitakshara codified by a guy called Vijneshwara somewhere around the year 1100AD. Mulla, the foremost authority on Hindu law, has described the Mitakshara as "the quintessence of the Smriti law,its precepts and injunctions".

Later in the 12th century, there came along another variation of the Hindu law called the Dayabhaga written by one Jimutavahana.

The Dayabhaga challenged and deviated from the Mitakshara law in some ways, particularly in relation to succession and inheritance.

Under the Dayabhaga system,the father is the sole owner and the exclusive possessor of the joint family property. No member can enforce the partition of the HUF so long as the father lives.

But the Mitakshara law stipulates that the property vests in the HUF itself and not in any individual member of the family and therefore can be partitioned within the lifetime of the father.

The Dayabhaga law is prevalent in West Bengal and Assam.

Hindus in the rest of the country are governed by the Mitakshara law.

Manusmriti completely forbade women to have a share in the family property.

The modern Indian government embarrassed by these antediluvian,anachronistic laws has sought to bring them inline from time to time with the egalitarian values of 21st century.On 9th September 2005, the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 was amended to provide that

a daughter too could be a coparcener i.e. joint heir,like her brother to the joint family's assets and

she too could enforce the partition of the family property to claim her individual share.

She continues to be the coparcener in her father's HUF even after she gets married and forms another HUF with her husband.So gender bias has largely been taken out of the HUF laws.

A coparcener is one who has a right to demand that the family property be divided and they be handed over their share in the property (or whatever assets the HUF has) in case he or she decides to part ways with the HUF.

Not all members of the HUF are its coparceners. The coparcenery extends to four degrees down the family hierarchy in the following manner:

1st degree :Holder of ancestral property for the first time.

2nd degree : Sons and daughters(09.09.2005).

3rd degree: Grandsons.

4th degree : Great grandsons.

The most frequently asked question about HUF is: How does it come into being? To form an HUF, all you have to do is Get Married. The HUF gets created as soon as you complete the seven (or four,whatever) circles round the holy fire and become Man and Wife.

There have to be a minimum of two people to constitute a family. The husband and wife together make up a family. They don't have to wait till they have a baby to constitute their HUF.

Someone asked "Can an unmarried man create an HUF?" No, he cannot,if you mean an HUF of which he seeks to be the Karta himself. He can very well be the member of the HUF of his father or grandfather, but to create his own HUF he has to wait till he ties the nuptials.Come to think of it, "Creation of an HUF" is an oxymoron—-a contradiction in terms. Only orphan-and-unmarried Hindus don't belong to an HUF. Every Hindu becomes a member of an HUF the moment she ejects out of her mother's womb, mode of delivery--C-section or Normal--notwithstanding.

Till the time the HUF has an empty kitty,it is like a balloon that no one has yet blown air into. A balloon can rightfully be called a "ball"oon only when it swells up with air inside it. Without the air the balloon is inert,dormant. An HUF too is inert and dormant without funds.

The Karta, which in Hindi means the Doer, is usually the Father, the pater families of the family. He has immense powers over the affairs of the family, more than any other coparcener can wield.

Can a female be the Karta? The answer can't be No in the light of the amendment in the HS Act in 2005.An unmarried daughter, in the unfortunate event of her father passing away, will become the Karta of the HUF if she has no brother.

Can there be an all-female HUF? Yes, there can be. Where a couple has only one issue—-a daughter—-and the husband passes away,the mother-daughter duo can continue the HUF (although a problem may arise after she gets married and becomes a member of her husband's HUF). It has been held by the Allahabad High Court in CIT v. Sarwan Kumar 13 ITR 361 (All) that there can be an HUF consisting of female members only

The Karta can enter into partnership with a firm on behalf of the HUF. But the HUF itself, being not a legal person, can never be a partner in a firm. The fact that Income Tax law grants a PAN to itand treats it as an assessable entity does not bestow upon it the status of a person under the general laws. This has been held to be so in numerous cases. In Ram Laxman Sugar Mills v. CIT 66 ITR 613(SC), the Supreme Court said that "an HUF is undoubtedly a person within the meaning of the Indian Income Tax Act, It is however,not a juristic person for all purposes and cannot enter into an agreement of partnership either with another undivided family or individual".

So while conducting bank audit, in case you come across a loan file where the HUF is shown to be the partner, raise an objection.

There have been cases where the courts have held that businesses started by individual members after borrowing funds from the HUF were assessable in the HUF's hands, especially where the HUF is already engaged in the same business. So think twice before letting the HUF lend any money to its members and viceversa.

In CIT v. Gopal Bansilal Inani (2000) 245 ITR 2 (SC),the Supreme Court disallowed the interest paid to coparceners on the loan the HUF had taken from them as a business expenditure u/s 37(1).

Can an HUF pay remuneration to its Karta? Yes, in Jugal KishoreBaldev Sahai v. CIT 63 ITR 238 (SC), the Supreme Court held that "ifa remuneration is paid to a Karta of the family under a valid agreement which is bona fide in the interest of and expedient forthe business of the family and the payment is genuine and not excessive, such a remuneration must be held to be an expenditure laid out wholly and exclusively, for the purpose of the business and must be allowed as an expenditure under section 10(2)(xv)[corresponding to the present-day Section 37(1)] of theAct".

There is also the issue of Partition of the HUF. Al though the Mitakshara and other Hindu laws do not forbid partial partition ofthe HUF, the Income Tax law frowns upon it. Under the Hindu law, you may have eliminated the HUF by partioning the property (or what ever assets) of the HUF, but the taxation authorities have invested themselves with powers u/s 171 of the I T Act to continue to treat the defunct HUF as an assessee liable to pay tax unless the partition is effected in strict keeping with the manner laid down in that section. The law wants to dissuade assessees to smash up their bigger HUFs into smaller ones just to create more files to bring down their tax liabilities. Total partition in the context of the I T Act means partition by metes and bounds. "Metes and Bounds", anAnglo-French term, means the boundaries or limits of a tract of land. If the HUF property is physical, it isn't difficult to divide it up, delineating the share of each member. But a non-physical property will have to be divvied up amongst the members in such a manner as to comply with Explanation (b) below Section 171(9). Care must be taken that erst while coparceners don't simply end up becoming co-owners in the property. For example an FD held by the HUF being partitioned can't be converted into a joint FD of members after partition; if it is, interest on it will continue to be assessed in the HUF's hands. The FD can continue only in one member's name; he can cough up some cash to the other members to compensate them for loss of FD. What a metes and bounds partition does is deflate the balloon of the HUF. The Income Tax law will recognize its demise (for want of a better word, since a divided Hindu family can be reunited again),only when the HUF is stripped naked of each and every layer of the clothing of property—-tangible or intangible, movable or immovable--it had. It has to get back into its birthday suit again to be truly partitioned.

There is a book titled "Formation & Management of HUF along with Tax Planning" by authors S R Kharbanda and Prem Nath published by Commercial Law publishers.

HUF Formation is automatic with marriage– An HUF is automatically constituted with the marriage of a person. No formal action is required to create an HUF. The HUF being the result of birth, possession of joint property is only an appendage of the HUF and is not necessary for its constitution. So, one person cannot form an HUF. (creation deed is available here)

Property held by a single co-parcener does not lose its character of Joint Family : Family is a group of people related by blood or marriage. However, the property held by a single co-parcener does not lose its character of Joint Family property solely for the reason that there is no other male or female member at a particular point of time. Once the co-parcener marries, an HUF comes into existence as he alongwith his wife constitutes a Joint Hindu Family. This was held in the case of Prem Kumar v. CIT, 121 ITR 347 (All.)

Unmarried daughter and daughter in law is also member: Hindu Undivided Family is defined as consisting of a common ancestor and all his lineal male descendants together with their wives and unmarried daughters. Therefore, a HUF consists of all males & females in the family. Daughters born in the family are its members till their marriage and women married into the family are also members of the HUF.

Brahmo, Prathana or Arya Samaj, a Buddist, Jain or Sikh etc also covered in HUF:In this context, "Hindu" mean all the persons who are Hindus by religion. Section 2 of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956, elaborately declares that it applies to any person, who is a Hindu by religion and it includes a Virashaiva, a Lingayat or a follower of Brahmo, Prathana or Arya Samaj, a Buddist, Jain or Sikh. In CWT In the case of Smt. Champa Kumari Singh (1972) 83 ITR 720, Supreme Court held that the HUF includes Jain Undivided Family. HUF is a separate entity for taxation under the provisions of sec. 2(31) of the I. T. Act. It means that the one person can be assessed as an individual and also as a Karta / Chief of his family.

HUF continues even in the hands of females after the death of sole male member:It can be noted that, the technical status of an HUF continues even in the hands of females after the death of sole male member. Even after the death of the sole male member, the original property of the HUF remains in the hands of the widows of the members of the family and the same need not divided amongst them.

An HUF need not consist of two male members- even one male member is enough. The understanding that there must be at least two male members to form an HUF as a taxable entity is not applicable. – Gauli Buddanna v. CIT, 60 ITR 347 (SC); C. Krishna Prasad v. CIT 97 ITR 493 (SC) and Surjit Lal Chhabda v. CIT, 101 ITR 776 (SC). A father and his unmarried daughters can also form an HUF. CIT v. Harshavadan Mangladas, 194 ITR 136 (Guj.)

Nucleus of HUF – With several rulings it is now established that, nucleus or ancestral joint family property is not required for the existence of the HUF.

Karta - He is the person who manages the affairs of the family. Generally, the senior most male member of the family acts as Karta. However, any other male member can also act as Karta with the consent of the other member. Narendrakumar J. Modi v. Seth Govindram Sugar Mills 57 ITR 510 (SC).

HUF Property - The HUF property may consist of ancestral property, property allotted on partition, property acquired with the aid of joint family property, separate property of a co-parcener blended with or thrown into a common family pool. The provisions of sec. 64 (2) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 have superseded the principles of Hindu Law, in a case where a co-parcener impresses his property with the character of joint family property.

Female members cannot merge her separate property with joint family property, but she can make a gift of it to the HUF. Pushpadevi v. CIT 109 ITR 730 (SC). Female members can also bequeath their property to the HUF, CIT v. G.D. Mukim, 118 ITR 930 (P & H).

Multiple Family Structures - An HUF can consist of several branches or sub-branches. For example, a person with his wife and sons constitutes an HUF. If the sons have wives and children, they also constitute smaller HUFs. If the grandsons also have wives and children, then they also constitute HUFs. It is irrelevant whether the smaller HUFs hold any property. Nucleus property can be acquired by partition of bigger HUF or by gifts from any member of the family or even by a stranger or by will with intention of the donor or the testator that the said gift or bequest will form the HUF property of the donee. An HUF can be composed of a large number of branch families, each of the branch itself being an HUF and so also the sub-branches of more branches. CIT v. M.M.Khanna 49 ITR 232 (Bom).(gift deed format is available here)

Tax planning through HUF -

(i) Increase the number of assessable units through the device of partition of the HUF.

(ii) Create separate taxable units of HUF through will in favour of HUF or gift to HUF.

(iii) Enter into family settlement / arrangement.

(iv) Payment of remuneration to the Karta and also to other members.

(v) Providing loans to the members of the HUF.

(vi) Gift to members.

Partition of HUF - The tax liability can be reduced by partition of the HUF. This can be easily done in a case where the partition results in separate independent taxable units. Suppose an HUF consists of father and two sons and there are two business establishments, a house property and other sources of income with the HUF. If the members of the HUF have no other sources of income then partition of the HUF can be done by giving one business establishment to each of the sons, house property to the father and dividing the other sources in such a manner so as to make the partition equitable. Such a partition of HUF will reduce the tax liability considerably. The position may, however, be different in a case where the members of the HUF have got high individual incomes. In such a case it is not advisable to break or partition the HUF. The HUF should be allowed to continue as a separate taxable unit.(partition deed is available Here)

In case, where the HUF has only one business establishment, which can not be physically divided, it may be converted into a partnership firm or a company. At present, rate of firm's tax and the rate of tax in case of a company, is 30% flat, therefore conversion of HUF business into a partnership or a company is not advantageous. The incidence of, in such a case, can be better reduced by payment of remuneration to the members of the HUF. Partial partition of HUF is also a very effective device for reducing its tax liability. Partial partition is recognized under the Hindu Law. However partial partition of an HUF is no more recognised by the Income Tax Act. The provisions of sec. 171 partial partitions can still be used as a device for tax planning in certain cases. An HUF not hitherto assessed as undivided family can still be subjected to partial partition because it is recognized under the Hindu Law and such partial partition does not require recognition u/s. 171 of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Thus a bigger HUF already assessed as such, can be partitioned into smaller HUFs and such smaller HUFs may further be partitioned partially before being assessed as HUFs. Besides any HUF not yet assessed to tax can be partitioned partially and thereafter assessed to tax.

Legal aspects and partition of HUF –

(i) Assets distribution in the course of partition would not attract any capital gains tax.

(ii) No gift tax liability.

(iii) No clubbing of incomes u/s. 64.

Create Separate Taxable Units - It is now well settled law that there can be a gift or will for the benefit of a Joint Hindu Family .It is immaterial whether the giver is male or female, whether he or she is a member of the family or an outsider. What matters is the intention of the donor that the property given is for the benefit of the family as a whole. Suppose there is an HUF consisting of Karta, his wife, his two sons, daughter-in-law and grand children. A gift or will can be made for the benefit of the two smaller HUFs of the sons. The bigger HUF will continue as a separate taxable unit even after the death of the Karta. There may also be a case where the father or mother has self acquired properties. They have a son and his family but there is no ancestral property as a corpus of their family. Then, father & mother or both can leave their property for the benefit of their son's family, through their respective wills.

Loan to the Members - If the business, capital or investment of the HUF is expanding then such expansion can be done in the individual names of the members of HUF by giving loans to the members from the HUF. The HUF may or may not charge interest on the loans given. Where after partition of an HUF, two members became partners in three firms on behalf of their respective HUFs and they also became partners in a fourth firm, the funds were obtained by means of loans from other three firms, the share incomes of the members from the fourth firm was assessable as their individual income only. CIT v. Champaklal Dalsukhbhai, 81 ITR 293 (Bom.).

Other Tax Planning –

(i) Transfer of individual property to the family.

(ii) Family reunion after partition.

(iii) Inheritance by succession

Partnership Firm & HUF - An HUF cannot become a partner in a firm. The Karta or a member of the HUF can represent the HUF in a firm. A female member can also represent HUF in a partnership firm, CIT v. Banaik Industries 119 ITR 282 (Pat.). Where remuneration was received by a member of HUF from a firm, where he was partner on behalf of HUF for managing firms business such remuneration was his individual income, CIT v. G. V. Dhakappa 72 ITR 192 (SC); Premnath v. CIT 78 ITR 319 (SC). However, income received by a member of HUF from a firm or company is taxable as the income of the HUF, if it is earned detriment to or with the aid of family funds, otherwise it is taxable as the separate income of the member, P.N. Krishna v. CIT 73 ITR 539 (SC).




Rahul Gandhi: "I feel ashamed to call myself an INDIAN after seeing what has happened here in UP".


Congress ruled the State for the Majority of the duration Pre Independence to Post Independence.. from 1939 to 1989 ( barring the Periods of Emergency.. Thanks to your Grand Mom Indira G. and a couple of transitional Governments)

8 out of the total 14 Prime Ministers of India have been from UP, 6 out of those 8 have been from Congress...

I think your party had more than half a century and half a Dozen PM's to build a State...

The Reason Mulayam Singh, subsequently came to Power is because your party wasn't exactly Gandhian in their dealings in the State.. So May be If you look at in totality the present chaos in UP is the outcome of the glorious leadership displayed by Congress in UP for about 50 years!

So Please don't feel ashamed as yet Dear Rahul.. For Mayawati is only using the Land Acquisition Bill which your party had itself used to LOOT the Farmers many times in the Past!


Not that I Endorse what Mayawati is doing.. What Mayawati is doing is Unacceptable..

But the past actions of your party and your recent comments, puts a question mark on your INTENT and CONSISTENCY.


But don't be disappointed, I would give you ample reasons to feel ashamed...

You really want to feel Ashamed..?

First Ask Pranav Mukherjee, Why isn't he giving the details of the account holders in the Swiss Banks.

Ask your Mother, Who is impeding the Investigation against Hasan Ali?

Ask her, Who got 60% Kickbacks in the 2G Scam ?

Kalamdi is accused of a Few hundred Crores, Who Pocketed the Rest in the Common Wealth Games?

Ask Praful Patel what he did to the Indian Airlines? Why did Air India let go of the Profitable Routes ?

Why should the Tax Payer pay for the Air India losses, when you intend to eventually DIVEST IT ANYWAY!!!

Also, You People can't run an Airline Properly. How can we expect you to run the Nation?

Ask Manmohan Singh. Why/What kept him quiet for so long?

Are Kalmadi and A Raja are Scapegoats to save Big Names like Harshad Mehta was in the 1992 Stock Market Scandal ?

Who let the BHOPAL GAS TRAGEDY Accused go Scot Free? ( 20,000 People died in that Tragedy)

Who ordered the State Sponsored Massacre of SIKHS in 84?

Please read more about, How Indira Gandhi pushed the Nation Under Emergency in 76-77, after the HC declared her election to Lok Sabha Void!

(I bet She had utmost respect for DEMOCRACY and JUDICIARY and FREE PRESS)

I guess you know the answers already. So My question is, Why the Double Standards in Judging Mayawati and members of your Family and Party?

I condemn Mayawati. But Is She the only one you feel Ashamed for?

What about the ones close to you? For their contribution to the Nation's Misery is beyond comparison.

You talk about the Land being taken away from the Farmers. How many Suicides have happened under your Parties Rule in Vidarbha ? Does that Not Ashame You ?


Your Party gave those Farmers a 72,000 Crore Loan Waiver. Which didn't even reach the Farmers by the way.

So, Why don't you focus on implementing the policies which your govt. has undertaken, instead of earning brownie points by trying to manufacture consent by bombarding us with pictures of having food with Poor Villagers....

You want to feel ashamed. You can feel ashamed for your Party taking CREDIT for DEBITING the Public Money (72,000 crores) from the Government Coffers and literally Wasting it...

You want to feel ashamed.. Feel ashamed for that...


Dear Rahul, to refresh your memory, you were arrested/detained by the FBI the BOSTON Airport in September 2001.

You were carrying with you $ 1,60,000 in Cash. You couldn't explain why you were carrying so much Cash.

Incidentally He was with his Columbian girlfriend Veronique Cartelli, ALLEGEDLY, the Daughter of Drug Mafia.

9 HOURS he was kept at the Airport.

Later then freed on the intervention of the then Prime Minister Mr.Vajpayee.. FBI filed an equivalent of an FIR in US and released him.

When FBI was asked to divulge the information, by Right/Freedom to Information Activists about the reasons Rahul was arrested ... FBI asked for a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from Rahul Gandhi.

So Subramaniyam Swami wrote a Letter to Rahul Gandhi, " If you have NOTHING to HIDE, Give us the Permission"


Why did that arrest not make Headlines Rahul? You could have gone to the Media and told, "I am ashamed to call myself an INDIAN?".

Or is it that, you only do like to highlight Symbolic Arrests (like in UP) and not Actual Arrests ( In BOSTON)

Kindly Clarify.....

In any case, you want to feel ashamed, Read Along...


According to a Provision in the Citizenship Act.

A Foreign National who becomes a Citizen of India, is bounded by the same restrictions, which an Indian would face, If he/she were to become a Citizen of Italy.

(Condition based on principle of reciprocity)


Now Since you can't become a PM in Italy, Unless you are born there.

Likewise an Italian Citizen can't become Indian PM, unless He/She is not born here!

Dr. SUBRAMANIYAM SWAMI sent a letter to the PRESIDENT OF INDIA bringing the same to his Notice. [READ LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT IN ANNEXURE -3]

PRESIDENT OF INDIA sent a letter to Sonia Gandhi to this effect, 3:30 PM, May 17th, 2004.

Swearing Ceremony was scheduled for 5 PM the same Day.

Manmohan Singh was brought in the Picture at the last moment to Save Face!!

Rest of the SACRIFICE DRAMA which she choreographed was an EYE WASH!!!

Infact Sonia Gandhi had sent, 340 letters, each signed by different MP to the PRESIDENT KALAM, supporting her candidacy for PM.

One of those letters read, I Sonia Gandhi, elected Member from Rai Bareli, hereby propose Sonia Gandhi as Prime Minister.

So SHE was Pretty INTERESTED! Until She came to know the Facts!

As a result she didn’t allow Dr Kalam to be re-elected as President for second term despite his mass appeal and knowledge instead we were burdened with ..…. remember verbal attacks launched upon Dr Kalam by odd job men (all the learned spoke-persons of your party.)

So She didn't make any Sacrifice, It so happens that SONIA GANDHI couldn't have become the PM of INDIA that time.

You could be Ashamed about that Dear Rahul!! One Credential Sonia G had, Even that was a HOAX!


You go to Harvard on Donation Quota. ( Hindujas Gave HARVARD 11 million dollars the same year, when Rajiv Gandhi was in Power)

Then you are expelled in 3 Months/ You Dropped out in 3 Months.... ( Sadly Manmohan Singh wasn't the Dean of Harvard that time, else you might have had a chance... Too Bad, there is only one Manmohan Singh!)

Some Accounts say, You had to Drop out because of Rajiv Gandhi's Assassination.

May be, But Then Why did you go about lying about being Masters in Economics from Harvard .. before finally taking it off your Resume upon questioning by Dr. SUBRAMANIYAM SWAMI (The Gentlemen who exposed the 2G Scam)

At St. Stephens.. You Fail the Hindi Exam.

Hindi Exam!!!

And you are representing the Biggest Hindi Speaking State of the Country?


Sonia G gave a sworn affidavit as a Candidate that She Studied English at University of Cambridge

[SEE ANNEXURE-6, 7_37a]

According to Cambridge University, there is no such Student EVER! [ SEE ANNEXURE -7_39]

Upon a Case by Dr. Subramaniyam Swami filed against her,

She subsequently dropped the CAMBRIDGE CREDENTIAL from her Affidavit.

Sonia Gandhi didn't even pass High School. She is just 5th class Pass!

In this sense, She shares a common Educational Background with her 2G Partner in Crime, Karunanidhi.

You Fake your Educational Degree, Your Mother Fakes her Educational Degree.

And then you go out saying, " We want Educated Youth into Politics!"

Letters sent by Dr. Swami to EC and then Speaker of Lok Sabha are in ANNEXURE 7_36 &7_35 RESPECTIVELY

Contrast that with Gandhi Ji , who went to South Africa, Became a Barrister, on Merit, Left all that to work for South Africa, then for the Country....


Not that Education is a Prerequisite for being a great Leader, but then you shouldn't have lied about your qualifications!

You could feel a little ashamed about Lying about your Educational Qualifications. You had your reasons I know, Because in India, WE RESPECT EDUCATION!

But who cares about Education, When you are a Youth Icon!!


You traveled in the Local Train for the first time at the Age of 38.

You went to some Villages as a part of Election Campaign.

And You won a Youth Icon!! ... That's why You are my Youth Icon.

For 25 Million People travel by Train Everyday. You are the First Person to win a Youth Icon for boarding a Train.

Thousands of Postmen go to remotest of Villages. None of them have yet gotten a Youth Icon.

You were neither YOUNG Nor ICONIC!

Still You became a Youth Icon beating Iconic and Younger Contenders like RAHUL DRAVID.

Shakespeare said, What's in a Name?

Little did he knew, It's all in the Name, Especially the Surname!

Speaking of Surname, Sir


Because the Name on your Passport is RAUL VINCI.


May be if you wrote your Surname as Gandhi, you would have experienced, what Gandhi feels like, LITERALLY ( Pun Intended)

You People don't seem to use Gandhi much, except when you are fighting Elections. ( There it makes complete sense).

Imagine fighting elections by the Name Raul Vinci...

It feels sadly Ironic, Gandhi Ji, who inspired Icons like Nelson Mandela ,Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lennon, across the world, Couldn't inspire members of his party/ Nehru's Family, who only seem to use his Surname for the purposes of FIGHTING ELECTIONS and conveniently use a different name on their PASSPORT.

You use the name GANDHI at will and then say, " Mujhe yeh YUVRAJ shabd Insulting lagta hai! Kyonki aaj Hindustan mein Democracy hai, aur is shabd ka koi matlab nahin hai!

YUVRAJ, Itna hi Insulting lagta hai, to lad lo RAUL VINCI ke Naam se!!! Jin Kisano ke saath photo khinchate ho woh bhi isliye entertain karte hain ki GANDHI ho.. RAUL VINCI bol ke Jao... Ghar mein nahin ghusaenge!!!

You could feel ashamed for your Double Standards.


Now You want Youth to Join Politics.

I say First you Join Politics.

Because you haven't Joined Politics. You have Joined a Family Business.

First you Join Politics. Win an Election fighting as RAUL VINCI and Not Rahul Gandhi, then come and ask the youth and the Educated Brass for more involvement in Politics.

Also till then, Please don't give me examples of Sachin Pilot and Milind Deora and Naveen Jindal as youth who have joined Politics..

They are not Politicians. They Just happen to be Politicians.

Much Like Abhishek Bachchan and other Star Sons are not Actors. They just happen to be Actors (For Obvious Reasons)

So, We would appreciate if you stop requesting the Youth to Join Politics till you establish your credentials...


Rahul Baba, Please understand, Your Father had a lot of money in your Family account ( in Swiss Bank) when he died.

Ordinary Youth has to WORK FOR A LIVING.


If our Father had left thousands of Crores with us, We might consider doing the same..

But we have to Work. Not just for ourselves. But also for you. So that we can pay 30% of our Income to the Govt. which can then be channelized to the Swiss Banks and your Personal Accounts under some Pseudo Names.

So Rahul, Please don't mind If the Youth doesn't Join Politics. We are doing our best to fund your Election Campaigns and your Chopper Trips to the Villages.

Somebody has to Earn the Money that Politicians Feed On.


Air India, KG Gas Division, 2G, CWG, SWISS BANK Account Details... Hasan Ali, KGB., FBI Arrest..

You want to feel ashamed..

Feel Ashamed for what the First Family of Politics has been reduced to...

A Money Laundering Enterprise.

NO WONDER YOU ARE NOT GANDHI'S BY BLOOD. GANDHI is an adopted Name. For Indira didn't marry Mahatma Gandhi's Son.


You really want to feel Ashamed.

Feel Ashamed for what you ' SO CALLED GANDHI'S' have done to MAHATMA'S Legacy..

I so wish GANDHI JI had Copyrighted his Name!

Meanwhile, I would request Sonia Gandhi to change her name to $ONIA GANDHI, and you could replace the 'R' in RAHUL/RAUL by the New Rupee Symbol!!!

RAUL VINCI : I am ashamed to call myself an Indian.

Even we are ashamed to call you so!

P.S: Popular Media is either bought or blackmailed, controlled to Manufacture Consent!

My Guess is Social Media is still a Democratic Platform. (Now they are trying to put legislations to censor that too!!)

Meanwhile, Let's ask these questions, for we deserve some Answers.

For we are all Gandhi's. For Bapu is the Father of the Nation!

To know more, Try looking for Dr. SUBRAMANIYAM SWAMI. He is the reason today 2G SCAM is being Investigated!!!

Who owns the media in India ?

NDTV: A very popular TV news media is funded by Gospels of Charity in Spain Supports Communism. Recently, it has developed a soft corner towards Pakistan , because Pakistan President has allowed only this channel to be aired in Pakistan . Indian CEO Prannoy Roy is co-brother of Prakash Karat, General Secretary of the Communist Party of India. His wife and Brinda Karat are sisters.

India Today : Which used to be the only national weekly which supported BJP is now bought by NDTV!! Since then, the tone has changed drastically and turned into Hindu bashing.

CNN-IBN: This is 100 percent funded by Southern Baptist Church, with its branches in all over the world and HQ in US.. The Church annually allocates $800 million for promotion of its channel. Its Indian head is Rajdeep Sardesai and his wife Sagarika Ghosh.

Times group list: Times Of India, Mid-Day, Nav-Bharth Times, Stardust, Femina, Vijay Times, Vijaya Karnataka, Times now (24- hour news channel) and many more...

Times Group is owned by Bennet & Coleman. 'World Christian Council' does 80 percent of the Funding, and an Englishman and an Italian equally share the balance 20 percent. The Italian, Robertio Mindo, is a close relative of Sonia Gandhi.

Star TV: It is run by an Australian, who is supported by St. Peters Pontifical Church Melbourne.

Hindustan Times: Owned by Birla Group, but hands have changed since Shobana Bhartiya took over. Presently it is working in Collaboration with the Times Group.

The Hindu: English daily, started over 125 years ago, has been recently taken over by Joshua Society, Berne , Switzerland .....N. Ram's wife is a Swiss national.

Indian Express: Divided into two groups. The Indian Express and New Indian Express (Southern edition). ACTS Christian Ministries have major stake in the Indian Express and latter is still with the Indian counterpart.

Eeenadu: Till date, still controlled by an Indian named Ramoji Rao. Ramoji Rao is connected with film industry and owns a huge studio in Andhra Pradesh.

Andhra Jyothi: The Muslim party of Hyderabad known as MIM, along with a Congress Minister, has purchased this Telugu daily very recently.

The Statesman: It is controlled by Communist Party of India.

Kairali TV: It is controlled by Communist Party of India (Marxist)

Mathrubhoomi: Leaders of Muslim League and Communist leaders have major investment.

Asian Age and Deccan Chronicle: Is owned by a Saudi Arabian Company, with its chief Editor, M.J. Akbar.

Monday, November 14, 2011

oxygen concentrator

It’s All About the Swing!

Oxygen is essential for supporting life as well as many other industrial and environmental applications. This makes it one of the largest selling chemicals on the planet. AirSep has adopted the motto: “Why buy when you can make your own oxygen?”

Oxygen exists in the atmosphere around us. It makes up approximately 21% of the air we breathe. If only that oxygen could be separated…

The technology behind all of our standard oxygen generators is the Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) process. It is the engine that drives the separation of oxygen from air. It is a purely physical process; there are no chemical, electrical, or other reactions in our process.

For certain specific applications, we can make a variation of the PSA process, called the Vacuum Pressure Swing Adsorption (VSA/VPSA) process. The only differences are that VPSA uses a feed blower instead of an air compressor and the absorber vessels are desorbed through a vacuum blower. The net result is a significant decrease in the power consumption of the system as a whole. However, these plants are typically only cost effective for very large oxygen capacities.

Our Standard AS- Series Oxygen Generators can produce from 20 to 5000 cubic feet of oxygen per hour! Once you provide electricity and a source of compressed air, these dependable machines will provide oxygen for any application.

AirSep generators are designed to produce between 45 psig and 65 psig output pressure, 93% nominal purity oxygen, -100°F(-73°C) dewpoint and are available in 120 VAC or 220 VAC.

Oxygen Flow Range (SCFH)

PSA Oxygen Generator


• Produces oxygen from compressed air

• Microprocessor controlled

• Low operating cost

• Automatic and unattended operation 

• Easy to install and maintain

Typical Applications

• Ozone (Generator) Feed Gas

• Waste/Water Treatment 

• Thermal/Chemical Oxidation

• Cutting/Brazing/Soldering

• Environmental Remediation

• Glass Work/Manufacturing/Blowing

• Fish Farming 

• Hospital Systems 

The Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Oxygen Generating Process

Air contains 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, 0.9% argon, and 0.1% other gases. AirSep Oxygen Generating

Systems separate oxygen from compressed air through a unique Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA)

process. The PSA process uses molecular sieve (a synthetic zeolite), which attracts (adsorbs) nitrogen from air at high pressure and releases (desorbs) it at low pressure.

AirSep Oxygen Generators use two vessels filled with molecular sieve as adsorbers. As compressed feed air flows through one of the vessels, the molecular sieve adsorbs nitrogen. The remaining oxygen passes through the vessel and exits as the product gas. Before the adsorber becomes

saturated with nitrogen, the feed air is diverted to the second vessel. At that point, the sieve in the first vessel regenerates by desorbing the nitrogen through depressurization and purging it with oxygen from the second vessel.

This process is then repeated in the second vessel to complete a cycle that allows the oxygen generator to deliver a constant flow of product oxygen at 90% minimum purity. Under normal operating conditions, the molecular sieve is completely regenerative and will last indefinitely.


Product Characteristics Product Flow: 750 - 900 SCFH (19.72 - 23.66 Nm3 /hr)

Factory set to your specific requirements.

Standard Product Pressure: 45 psig (3.10 barg)

Pressures up to 65 psig (4.48 barg) available. Refer to chart for air requirement.

Product Purity: 93% Nominal

Product Dew Point: -100°F (-73°C)

Ambient Operating Conditions

Locate the oxygen generator in a well-ventilated area that is protected from weather elements and remains between 40°F (4°C) and 112°F (44°C)

Feed Air Requirements

Flow Rate: Refer to chart.

Clean and Dry “Plant Air” (Class 5.6.5 per ISO 8573.1)

Pressure: 90 psig (6.21 barg) minimum

Temperature: 122°F (50°C) maximum

Control Power Requirements

240 V ~ ±10%, 50/60 Hz, Single Phase, 1 A

Physical Connections

Compressed Air Inlet: 1” NPT

Product Gas Outlet: 3/4” NPT

Certifications and Approvals

NRTL certified compliance to UL3101.1, CSA, CE

Warranty: 1 Year Parts and Factory Labor*

F e e d A i r R e q u ir e m e n t

(9 3 % n o m in a l o x y g e n )


6 0

1 2 0

1 8 0 .

2 4 0

3 0 0

7 5 0 8 0 0 8 5 0 9 0 0

Oxygen Produc t F low Rate ( S C F H )

Feed Air Flow Requirement (SCFM)

4 5 p s i g

6 5 p s i g


in cm

A 91 231

B 58 147

C 38 97


2455 lb. (1114 kg)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Negative self talk

"If you don't get everything you want, think of the things you don't get that you don't want." (Oscar Wilde)

Who do you talk to the most? Yourself - of course - so only you can control your negative self talk.

From the Emailbag: "No matter what I do, I feel trapped in an endless cycle of negative self talk. What can I do about it?" The answer is: "You are not trapped but it will take active steps to heal this all too common problem."

* Negative Self Talk: When you speak negatively to yourself about yourself, it is like taking poison because it causes that inner positive spark to die. No one can think, believe, talk, or act for you except for yourself. The single difference between those who succeed and those who fail in life… is their self talk.

* Awareness and Action: Breaking the grip of negative self talk takes two things. One is awareness: when you know that you have a negative self talk problem that is half the battle. Two is action: the other half of the battle and the more important half. Nothing in the physical world is accomplished without action. Effective action requires both a plan and the willingness to work on and stick to your plan… no matter what!

* Plan #1: Shadow Side Issue: Many times, the negative things you just cannot stop saying about yourself… spring from our deepest rooted issues. When you say "I am just not good enough", is that your voice or the voice of a hyper-critical parent speaking? When you say "I am just so lazy", is it that you resent someone in your life who is lazy and who you do not want to be like?" When you say "I am no good with money", is it that you are fearful of money? When you discover the real issue behind your negative self talk and heal it, you can end it forever.

* Plan #2: Frown Upside Down: When you catch yourself thinking negatively, stop instantly. Come up with a positive mantra that you will then repeat to yourself three times. For example, what I say is, "I have an awesome brain which brings me great abundance for which I am grateful." This is just an example… you must come up with your own positive saying that helps you feel good as it helps to break the cycle of negative thinking.

* Plan #3: Be Consistent: Your habit pattern of negative self talk was built up over years… so it will take some time to reverse… that is the bad news. The good news is that the negative self talk habit can be broken in much less time with consistent/persistent efforts. Only you are in control of your thoughts and so you can create them anyway you like. You can stop the negativity if you choose to! Just make that choice from now on.