Monday, November 7, 2011



The Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Oxygen Generating Process - Air contains 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, 0.9% argon, and 0.1% other gases. Uttam’s Oxygen generating Systems separate oxygen from compressed air through a unique Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) process. The PSA process uses molecular sieve (a synthetic zeolite), which attracts (adsorbs) nitrogen from air at high pressure and releases (desorbs) it at low pressure. Uttam’s Oxygen Generators use two vessels filled with molecular sieve as adsorbers. As compressed feed air flows through one of the vessels, the molecular sieve adsorbs nitrogen. The remaining oxygen passes through the vessel and exits as the product gas. Before the adsorber becomes saturated with nitrogen, the feed air is diverted to the second vessel. At that point, the sieve in the first vessel regenerates by desorbing the nitrogen through depressurization and purging it with oxygen from the second vessel. This process is then repeated in the second vessel to complete a cycle that allows the oxygen generator to deliver a constant flow of product oxygen at 90% minimum purity. Under normal operating conditions, the molecular sieve is completely regenerative and will last indefinitely

The method of generating oxygen from oxygen generator or oxygen gas plant involves taking air from an air compressor, separating oxygen from nitrogen and other gases by means of special zeolite molecular sieves. The process is totally REGENERATIVE.

The resulting available Oxygen gas is 93-95% pure at around 2.5 kg/cm²g pressure which is enhanced to a pressure of 5-6Kg/cm2 using the oxygen compressor to meet hospital requirements. The gas is very dry having moisture contents limit to a max of 2 ppm.

COST OF OXYGEN GENERATION will be approx . Rs. 6/- per cubic meter only i.e. a cylinder of B type and bulk D type will cost Rs. 10/- and Rs. 42 only. Please compare the purchase prices at your hospital which is overloaded due to repeated transportation and handling.


  • No more waiting for delivery of cylinders. Gas is always available.
  • Purity of gas as per IP 2005 specifications is assured.
  • Contamination caused by poorly maintained cylinders is eliminated.
  • No high pressure cylinder handling.
  • Noise level and damage to floor and furniture is eliminated.
  • Administrative and security resources are spared for productive use.
  • No handling and processing of bills.
  • Results in saving of more then 50% in Oxygen cost.

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